Ventnor Heritage Centre

"To Collect, Record and preserve the rich heritage and history of Ventnor and surrounding villages, and share it with local and wider communities"

2024 Membership Form |

2024 Membership Form

    I was a member in 2023 and am renewing for 2024, and my personal details (address, tel. no, e-mail and data protection consent) have not changed.I am a new member, or I am renewing my membership and need to update personal details.

    [group details]

    I would like to receive occasional emails about our products

    Please read the Data Protection statement below and tick one of the boxes.

    I understand that my personal details will be held electronically by the VDLHS for the sole purpose of the Society’s business. I understand that my details will not be passed to any third party and that I may ask to see my details, or ask them to be deleted, at any time.

    I consent to the VDLHS holding my details electronicallyI do not wish the VDLHS to hold my details electronically

    Are you interested in information about volunteering opportunities such as museum steward, research, indexing, publications etc?

    Please contact me about volunteering opportunities

    Please check all your details before submitting this form. Pressing ‘Submit’ will take you to our online shop for payment by PayPal, credit or debit card.

    Exhibitions, stories, images . . .

    Olivia: Portrait of a Life

    Olivia Parkes (1881-1962) was born in Walsall in the Midlands, but for many years lived a solitary life in a wooden hut in Myrtle Bay in Ventnor, where local people referred to her as ‘Britannia’, and her life has been a constant source of fascination to local people and visitors. This new exhibition for 2024, inspired in part by the ‘Olivia’ art installation by Teresa Grimaldi and Sarah Vardy shown at Ventnor Fringe Festival in 2023, features a model of Olivia’s home (Britannia’s Hut) and is accompanied by an extensive board display. A new book, 'Britannia, The Extraordinary Life of Olivia Parkes' is available to buy in the Ventnor Heritage Centre, or by post from our Online Shop.  
