Society Meeting Friday 29 July 2022: Ventnor and the Struggle Against Imperial Russia

The next meeting of Ventnor & District Local History Society will be on Friday 29 July, when the speaker will be author Stephan Roman.
His talk, Ventnor and the Struggle Against Imperial Russia, tells the surprising story of how between 1855 and 1860 Ventnor became a favoured summer retreat for Russians looking for political and creative freedom denied them in their homeland, and how our town became a centre of nineteenth century Russian political and literary life in Britain.
The meeting starts at 7.30 pm and will be held, as usual, at the Masonic Hall in Grove Road, Ventnor (just round the corner from the Heritage Centre). Entry is free to members of the Society, while visitors are very welcome (visitor entrance fee £2.00). For a full list of meetings and speakers for 2022 see the Monthly Meetings page on our website.
Copies of the new paperback edition of Stephan’s book Isle and Empires (£12.99) will be available to buy at the meeting on Friday (please note, cash or cheque only at the meeting).