Society ‘Monthly Meetings’ are back!
We are very happy to announce the return of our regular monthly meetings, beginning in June. Our schedule of speakers for the rest of 2022 is below.
As in the past, meetings will be at the Masonic Hall on Grove Road at 7:30-9:00 PM, on the last Friday of every month. There will be no meetings in August or December because of holidays.
Attendance is free for members and £2 for non-members.
The programme for the rest of the year is as follows:
24 Jun 2022: Andy Butler & Alan Clark: A Naturalist’s Lockdown
29 July 2022: Stephan Roman: Ventnor and the Struggle Against Imperial Russia
30 Sep 2022: Charles Lansley: Pon My Puff! A Childhood in 1920s Isle of Wight
28 Oct 2022: John Elton: Seeing and the Visual Imagination in Victorian England
25 Nov 2022: Hazel Pullen & Sharon Beddard: The Voluntary Aid Detachment on the Island 1914–18